Urban Screens

Urban Screens

6 – 15 January 2023
Digital Billboard @ Fortune Centre, 190 Middle Rd, Singapore 188979
All Day
Free Admission

Urban Screens

Exploring the rapidly evolving landscape for digital arts and culture, NFT Asia presents “Urban Screens”, in partnership with Singapore Art Week 2023 and Falcon Media. This showcase will feature six digital and new media artists in Singapore, highlight the multiplicity of the medium and shed insights into the artistic practices and experiments at the frontier of new technologies.

The programme will be accessible via SAW Digital and a physical activation at Fortune Centre from 6 – 15 January 2023.

Artists: Shavonne Wong, Arabelle Zhuang, Ernest Wu, Speak Cryptic, Chan Wan Kyn, Wyn-Lyn Tan
aNERDgallery, 29 Perak Rd, Singapore 208146
6 January – 5 February 2023
BungaWari: Disentangling the Romance of Sundanese Textiles presents Agnes Christina's interpretations of old Sudanese manuscripts and weaving processes to illustrate contemporary femininity, sexuality, spirituality, and vulnerability.
Public Art
Waterloo Centre, 3rd Floor, 261 Waterloo St, (S)180261
6 – 15 January 2023
Little plants and flowers have reclaimed secret spots in Waterloo. A playful glimpse into urban ecologies, Robert Zhao's new work Wildflowers celebrates the unique spontaneous vegetation of the neighbourhood in a series of light boxes.