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National Arts Council-Arts Education Programme (NAC-AEP)

The National Arts Council-Arts Education Programme (NAC-AEP) provides all students with access to quality arts education experiences. Since its inception in 1993, NAC-AEP has grown in popularity among schools in Singapore, with 95% of MOE schools utilising this scheme when selecting arts education programmes for their students. Over the years, schools have also consistently affirmed the importance of the NAC-AEP scheme in supporting their school's arts education plans.

NAC-AEP makes available more than 1,400 arts programmes by over 300 artists and arts groups, that range across six different art forms - Dance, Music, Theatre, Literary Arts, Visual Arts and Digital Media.

The NAC-AEP 2023-2025 Cycle focuses on providing quality programmes guided by the NAC Arts Education Framework’s Focus Areas and Points of Emphasis, as well as provides greater programme customisation across four programme types that would cater to the diverse interests and needs of students.

Please view endorsed programmes for the 2023-2025 cycle on the NAC-AEP Directory and reach out to arts providers directly to make enquiries and/ or purchase programmes.